With the slogan of Mali, an authentic Africa, Mali displays its rich and unique resources to further promote Mali tourism in the Chinese outbound market. Eight local service providers from Mali attend the event as well and have confidence in cooperating with Chinese partners to get a win-win outcome.
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Dr. Adam Wu, CEO of World Travel Online took photo with Deputy Director of Mali National Tourism Agency Mr. Moctar BA (right) and Mr. Ibrahim Litny (left), Chief of Cabinet of Ministry of Craft and Tourism, Mali. | Many visitors are attracted to the booth and willing to know more about Mali |
Mr. Moctar BA, Deputy Director of Mali National Tourism Agency, introduced its splendid tourism resources to professional visitors in a destination presentation, where the video and pictures were taken by the delegates of first-ever Chinese FAM trip group to Mali at the end of 2018. Senior officials from the Mali Embassy in China were presented and expressed their warm welcome to Chinese tourists.
The cultural and natural tourism resources of Mali are very popular among tourists. Djenné, Timbuktu, Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) and the Tomb of Askia in Mali are listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. In addition, various tribal cultures, handicrafts, architectures, festivals are also highlights for international visitors.
As for natural resources, take the Niger for example — this 3rd longest river on the continent attracts more and more tourists with its breathtaking view.
China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market (COTTM) exhibition for tourism and aviation will last from April 15th to 17th, 2019, which will see 70 countries, 500 pavilions, and 5,500 visitors taking part.