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Vice Chairman of CNTA meets with official delegation from Tanzania
Vice Chairman of China National Tourism Administration met representative of the Tanzanian Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism in Beijing.
On April 10, Zhu Shanzhong, Vice Chairman of China National Tourism Administration, met Ibrahim Musa, representative of the Tanzanian Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, and his party in Beijing.

Zhu Shanzhong expressed that the frequent high-level mutual visits in recent years have enhanced the friendship between Chinese and Tanzanian people. China wishes to further tourism cooperation and expand personnel exchanges with Tanzania. Currently, the tourist flow between the two countries is low since outbound tourists from China mainly travel to its neighboring countries. Yet, as President Xi Jinping visited Tanzania not long ago, China increased coverage about the country. In the days to come, Africa is bound to attract more Chinese tourists with its unique scenery.
Ibrahim Musa said Tanzanian and Chinese people have enjoyed long-lasting friendship, and Tanzania boasts abundant natural resources; the Prime Minister of Tanzania will visit China this September in the hope of signing a tourism MoU with China to establish closer ties, get support in human resources, tourist resorts, and tourism promotion, and attract more Chinese investors and tourists to Tanzania.

Also present at the meeting were Philip Marmo, Tanzania Ambassador to China, and leaders from China Tourism Association and the International Relations Department.

Related News in Chinese:
  Source: China National Tourism Administration

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