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Resort Areas Unaffected By Unrest
Minister Hon. Daryl Vaz of Jamaica has assured residents and visitors that business and tourist activities in the resort areas of Jamaica have not been affected by the unrest in sections of Western Kingston.
Minister without portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Information, Telecommunications and Special Projects, Hon. Daryl Vaz, has assured residents and visitors that business and tourist activities in the resort areas of Jamaica have not been affected by the unrest in sections of Western Kingston.

"This is a situation that is taking place in certain parts of Kingston in downtown. It is approximately anywhere from 100 to 140 miles from our resort areas," the Minister told members of the press yesterday (May 26) during a special media conference held at the Hilton Kingston hotel.

"All other areas remain undisturbed and business activities and tourist-related activities continue unaffected," he added.

Minister Vaz also reiterated that normalcy was gradually returning to downtown Kingston, as the security forces have assured the Government that they have the situation under control.

He said that no casualties were reported as of Wednesday (May 25) evening. "It is our information from the joint military operations that between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:a.m from the 25th of May to the 26th there were no casualties reported in downtown Kingston, which, as we would all know, is a marked improvement from what has been transpiring over the last few days," he said.

He said this was a clear indication that things would be back to its customary routine within a short time.

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