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Xi says China to help Spain fight COVID-19 epidemic
Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) meets with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Madrid, Spain, Nov. 28, 2018. / Xinhua
China will do its best to provide support and assistance to help Spain combat the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a phone conversation with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Tuesday evening.

Pointing out the recent intensifying and spreading trend of the epidemic in Spain, Xi extended sincere sympathies to the Spanish government and people on behalf of the Chinese government and people.
An aircraft carrying medical aid from China to help Spain combat the COVID-19 arrives at Zaragoza airport in northern Spain on March 17, 2020. / Xinhua
Xi stressed that China supports the measures taken by the Spanish government to fight the epidemic, understands the severe situation Spain is facing, and is ready to meet Spain's urgent needs by doing its utmost to provide support and assistance, and share its experience in COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment, so as to contribute to the health and well-beings of the two peoples as well as the global public health security.

After the epidemic, the two sides should step up exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of fields, Xi said.
A woman wearing a face mask walks in the street of Barcelona, Spain, March 14, 2020. / Xinhua
"Sunshine always comes after the rain," Xi said, expressing belief that the friendship between China and Spain will be stronger and the bilateral ties will have a brighter future after the test of jointly fighting the epidemic.

For his part, Sanchez said that Spain and China have always been supporting and helping each other, which has been fully embodied in their joint efforts to combat the epidemic.

Noting that the current epidemic situation in Spain is severe, Sanchez said the Spanish people are deeply grateful for China's timely offering of urgently-needed medical supplies, which has fully demonstrated China's friendly feelings towards the Spanish people.
The Spanish government will do its utmost to protect the health and safety of Chinese citizens residing in Spain, the prime minister said.

He also expressed belief that after the epidemic, the Spain-China ties will further develop, and wished the great Chinese people healthy and safe.

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