Marqués de Riscal,the luxurious wine hotels featured here are wineries that have added high-end accommodation to their regular winery operations.
With great wine-producing regions typically comes the fabulous combination of amazing cuisine, stunning scenery and a selection of luxurious boutique hotels. This combination is a boon for traveling oenophiles, since it means you can enjoy the fruit of the vine to your heart's content without worrying that you're missing out on something lovely to look at or tasty to eat -- staying at a wine hotel means everything you need is within a short walk from your room.
Some of the luxurious wine hotels featured here are wineries that have added high-end accommodation to their regular winery operations, while others are boutique hotels that cater to wine lovers with exceptional restaurants and wine cellars (not to mention proximity to area wineries). Whichever you prefer, and whichever wine region in the world you're thinking of visiting, there's something on this list that should appeal to you.
Marqués de Riscal, Elciego, Spain
The beginning of this winery dates back to 1858, when Marqués de Riscal Don Guillermo Hurtado de Amézaga, a resident of Bordeaux since 1836, was asked by the Diputación Foral de Álava to hire a French wine expert to train local producers in the winemaking processes used in the Médoc, a region in western France notorious for exquisite wine. Since then, the winery has won numerous awards for its creations and prides itself on the manual selection benches for grapes, implemented in 1995.
The exclusivity of the winery's creations is reflected in the Hotel Marqués de Riscal itself. A spectacular building constructed by none other than Frank Gehry, the hotel embodies true modernity and innovation, set against the backdrop of an old, traditional winery. The 43 rooms have the most luxurious amenities, and you can book a tour of the winery, a wine tasting or even a horse ride through the vineyards along with your hotel reservation.
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