This meeting, which is organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Toledo,aims to promote alliances between potential partners.

The International Tourism Trade Fair, to be staged from 18 to 22 January 2012, aims to highlight its role as a business forum, one that caters for the market's real needs. In this respect, the second edition of the BROKERAGE EVENT will take place on 18th January within the framework of the fair, organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Toledo, together with the Chambers of Commerce of Bilbao and Valencia, as well as Centre Balears Europa and the Canary Islands Regional Government. This forum seeks to bring professionals from the European tourist industry together, encouraging trade cooperation and technology transfer among companies and other bodies.On this occasion, the meeting will be aimed at companies that specialise in ecotourism and sustainable tourism, as well as companies operating within the tourism technology and innovation sector, not to mention establishments and agencies specialising in spa and beauty tourism.
Those companies and bodies interested in taking part must register before 20th December via the BROKERAGE EVENT web page
Once registered, they will receive a free pass for
FITUR, which they can use throughout the entire duration of the fair. Through this web page they will also be able to consult the profiles of other participants and request meetings (which take place in English), based on the business activities and interests of each participant.
In this respect, this tool seeks to create new opportunities for potential trade and technology partners to join forces all over Europe. It also aims to enable participants to exchange experiences and know-how with other companies and bodies from the international market, as well as creating opportunities for tourism-related products, services and tools to be marketed.
The BROKERAGE EVENT at FITUR 2012 is sponsored by FITUR, SEGITTUR and the Hotel Technological Institute (ITH), features the collaboration of partners from
Germany, Bulgaria,
Italy and
Portugal, and enjoys the support of the European Commission through the Enterprise Europe Network.