Chile is a paradise for the lovers of sport fishing.
For all those fishermen out there, Chile is the place with over 4 thousand kilometers of coast and innumerable rivers, streams, lakes, lagoons, dams and reservoirs.
The objective of recreational fishing is to capture aquatic species with instruments of personal usage (fishing gear), for the sole purpose of sport, tourism or entertainment, in no way associated with profit for the fisherman.
Sernapesca allows this sport to continue growing through an audit work, compelling every fisherman to carry a license issued by this organization; it´s the only way lovers of this sport are allowed to practice it.
Sernapesca disposes of a website containing regional maps with details of all the best places for this kind of fishing. Chile offers all the possible scenarios and species to practice this type of sport fishing.
Recreational sea fishing may be done year round throughout the Chilean coastline, from beaches or aboard a ship, docks and rocky beds. The most common salt water species found here are: sole, sea bass, tuna, bonito, sawfish, bass, rollizo, sargo, velvet catfish, vieja or mulata, among others.
Fresh water sport fishing is mainly done in the central, south and austral regions, from shore or on boats, between the Valparaiso and Magallanes regions. The innumerous rivers, lakes, lagoons, dams, reservoirs and streams found throughout our territory, are mainly full of silverside fish, carps, tenches, trouts and different kinds of salmon species.
There are 70 official fishing places among lakes, lagoons, rivers and streams in the Aysen Region alone, a delight for sport fishing lovers. This kind of fishing helped this region´s touristic evolution, which initiated through the proliferation of lodges and a wide range of services associated with it.
Something similar happens in the basins of the Los Lagos Region, especially in the Pullehue, Llanquihue, Todos los Santos and Rupanco lakes, and the Maullin, Petrohue and Puelo rivers.