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Spain expects 300,000 Chinese tourists in 2014
It is expected that there will be more than 300,000 Chinese tourists visiting Spain this year, and they will spend close to 612 million in this country.
The Iberian country will have more than 300,000 Chinese tourists this year, a market that is growing at a rhythm of between 20 and 25 percent. This tendency is holding.
The President of the Friendly Chinese Association, Kurt Grötsch, assures that Chinese tourists will exceed one million arrivals in Spain in 2020, keeping in mind that, at the global level, displacements from this country to other ones will exceed 100 million in 2014, six years before that predicated by the Worldwide Tourism Organization.
"If, in 2015, there are half a million Chinese visitors, it seems realistic that in 2020, the goal of attracting these one million tourists will be reached, which is what everyone aspires to," he pointed out.
After reviewing their predictions, the WTO calculates that China will export 1 billion tourists in 2020, at an annual growth rate of 5 percent, and will receive 170 million travelers. Upon the completion of these predictions, China will turn into the number one tourist receiver and sender in the world, which today is situated in third and fourth places, respectively.
Profile of the Chinese Tourist
With an average spending per trip of 2,040 euros, double that of Germans, it is expected that Chinese tourists will spend close to 612 million in Spain in 2014. Part of this spending corresponds to purchases, which is between 350 and 800 euros per trip, more than expenditures on food or lodging.
On average, a visitor from China invests 2,040 euros on a tourism package when visiting Spain. Outside of tourism packages, Chinese tourists spend 167 euros on average per day, mainly on fashion and clothing, which represents 43 percent of the total completed purchases, according to facts from Global Blue.
Before the trip, 83 percent of them inform themselves about their destination on the Internet. The destination itself, transportation maps, and trip guides make up the largest number of searches.
However, the percentage of clients that end up confirming their trip online, around 15 percent, continues to be rather low, despite the 618 million users that make up the cyber average.
  Source: Tourism Review

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