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Chinese Visitor Numbers Set to Rise, Predicts Trends Report
Chinese tourists are expected to head to Latin America in increasing numbers in the coming years, according to a new report.
The WTM Latin America Trends Report, which was compiled in association with Euromonitor International, predicts that China as a source market is set to overtake Australia, Japan and Russia by 2019, putting it in 10th position for arrivals to Latin America.
Currently, the Chinese make more than 65 million trips globally each year, but by 2025 the number will reach 115 million – making China the biggest outbound market in the world. China is also showing the fastest global growth rate – rising by an estimated 33% between 2014 and 2019.
Alexis Frick, Euromonitor International’s research manager in Brazil, said: “Mexico is by far the most popular destination for Chinese visitors, accounting for 110,000 trips in 2014. Brazil is in second place (64,000) followed by Venezuela (34,000) and Argentina (32,000).
“All countries in Latin America have seen great rates of growth from China since 2009 but the fastest has been Venezuela – up by 400%.”
Lawrence Reinisch, director of WTM Latin America, said that tourism providers needed to tailor their approach. He added: “Customisation is key, so providing information in Mandarin and Mandarin-speaking guides is a must, along with ensuring that shopping is integrated into the trip. Hotels are incorporating Asian cuisine and wellness facilities, and introducing favoured brands of beer such as Snow and Tsingtao.”
  Source: TTG

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