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Luxury Conversation: Chinese Millennials traveling with young children
'Child-friendly activities' was the top choice of our respondents in impacting their travel choice.
95% of luxury Chinese Millennials will choose their next holiday based on their child’s preference. The latest report from The Luxury Conversation, the intelligence platform focusing on luxury in China and Asia, outlines new trends and preferences of Chinese Millennials now traveling with young children. The research report, in partnership with ILTM is entitled: ‘Next-Gen Luxury Travellers: Affluent Chinese Families.’ The data was drawn from over 400 affluent families across China.
The report takes a deep dive into Luxury Chinese Millennials, and specifically how they travel as families.These affluent, luxury-loving consumers not only love to travel – but they are now parents with young children. The decades-long one-child policy and unique socio-cultural factors have concentrated the focus of parents and grandparents into raising the ‘little emperor’ of the family.
A few key findings from the report:
•  Holidays are driven by child-satisfaction: ‘Child-friendly activities’ was the top choice of our respondents in impacting their travel choice.
•  Sustainability & wellness are in demand: Over 75% of respondents see the hotel’s commitment to sustainability as ‘very important’.
•  Adventure and extreme experiences are trending: 93% of consumers surveyed are ‘very interested’ to take their child on an Arctic of Safari adventure.
•  They are hyper-connected: 94% see mobile check-in and 95% see a WeChat-integrated customer service function as ‘very important’.
•  The travel brands that are leading in terms of family-friendly image.
  Source: China Travel News

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