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Number of Chinese visitors to Vietnam soars
The number of Chinese visitors to Vietnam soars by 65.9 percent year-on-year in the first three months of 2016, said the country's General Statistics Office (GSO) on Friday.
According to the statistics, visitors of 580,500 person-times from China arrived in Vietnam in January-March period, rising by 65.9 percent year-on-year.
According to a report posted on GSO's website on Friday, Vietnam is expected to receive over 2.459 million person-times of foreign visitors, up 19.9 percent year-on-year.
In March alone, the country is forecast to receive 820,500 person-times of foreign visitors, down 1.6 percent compared to the previous month and up 28.3 percent year-on-year.
During three-month period, over 1.986 million person-times of international tourists travel to Vietnam by air, up 16.8 percent year-on-year.
The numbers of those going to Vietnam by road and by sea are to reach 435,600 person-times and 37,000 person-times, respectively.
In the January-March period, Vietnam also sees increases in numbers of foreign visitors from such markets as South Korea (408,100 person-times, up 30.2 percent), China's Taiwan (122,700 person-times, up 15.2 percent), Russia (108,800 person-times, up 13.5 percent), and the United States (164,700 person-times, up 14.3 percent) among others, said GSO.
Earlier, Vietnam targeted to welcome some 8.5 million person-times of foreign tourists in 2016, up 6 percent year-on-year.
  Source: Ecns

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