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All Chile's Information Now Available for Smartphones and Tablets
To help travelers plan their trip in more detail, now has a new application for Smartphones and tablets that allows free downloads of all the information about the destinations of Chile. now has a new application for Smartphones and tablets that allows free downloads of all the information about the destinations of Chile, thanks to data provided by SERNATUR.

Available for Iphone and IPad devices as well as Android operating systems, it will allow you to access updated online information about places to visit, pictures, nearby accommodation and entertainment information, among other features. aims to provide travelers with easily accessible guidance on where to find all the necessary information about the country to plan their trip in more detail.

The application presents a detailed calendar of events, taking place from Arica to Punta Arenas, and a photo gallery reflecting the contrasts of Chile and the diversity of destinations that the country has to offer.

This information is highly relevant considering that, according to Google's "The 2012 Traveler" study, 83% of travelers use the internet to plan their trips and 38% use a mobile device to access the internet.

Found in the travel applications category, App Chile has a size of 51.3 MB, is available in English and Spanish, and is compatible with Iphone 3GS, Iphone 4, Iphone 4S, Iphone 5, iPod touch (third, fourth and fifth generation). Requires iOS 6.0 or later. This app is optimized for Iphone 5, as well as Android devices.
Relevant Chinese News: 智利旅游局官网推出新应用 允许免费下载各类资讯
  Source: Turismo Chile

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