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CITM 2008 Interview with the Board Member of Zambia Wildlife Authority
CITM 2008 Interview with the Board Member of Zambia Wildlife Authority

CITM---China International Travel Mart (CITM), the largest travel exhibition in Asia has been successfully held at Shanghai New International Exhibition Center from 20th Nov to 23rd Nov 2008. CITM aimed at both travel trade and consumers, provided exhibitors the opportunity of multiple business talks and negotiations with international buyers, travel agents in China as well as promoting their destinations and travel products and services to large number of Chinese consumers too.

For the first time unprecedented number of African destinations and exhibitors took part in CITM 2008 with dedicated support from China Business Network and the World Travel Online.

Mr.Jonathan M.Muke the Board Member of Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZWA) and Mr. Dapson Mwendafilumba, the Executive Secretary of Zambia Hostels Board of Management (ZHBM) gave an interview from World Travel Online(WTO).

Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) is a body corporate established by the Act of Parliament, Zambia wildlife Act 1998. The transforming of the National Parks and Wildlife Services into ZAWA reoriented the new wildlife authority towards a direction that revamped the country’s wildlife sector. There are also many business opportunities in ZAWA. ZAWA has a significant role to play in the economic development of Zambia and its economic realization will significantly contribute to the GDP of Zambia.


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Tags:CITM, Zambia

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