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Chinese Premier meets Egyptian President
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday met with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi ahead of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
Li said China is willing to encourage its enterprises to invest in Egypt and to engage in cooperation in industrial capacity and processing trade via the Suez Canal industrial park for broader markets and mutual benefits, while noting that he hopes Egypt can provide preferential policies in taxes and other respects.
Sisi welcomed the increase of investment by Chinese enterprises in Egypt, calling for efforts to make good use of Egypt's advantages in geographical location and the Suez Canal industrial park to jointly explore European, Middle East and African markets.
中非旅游,前景光明——COTTM将迎来更多非洲目的地参与边避暑边看野生动物,非洲游火了 赴非前别忘打疫苗中非合作论坛北京峰会隆重开幕 习近平出席开幕式并发表主旨讲话习近平会见佛得角总理席尔瓦习近平会见突尼斯总理沙赫德习近平会见圣多美和普林西比总理特罗瓦达习近平会见摩洛哥首相奥斯曼尼习近平会见尼日利亚总统布哈里习近平会见马达加斯加总统埃里习近平会见乍得总统代比习近平会见非洲联盟委员会主席法基习近平会见阿尔及利亚总理乌叶海亚习近平会见几内亚比绍总统瓦斯习近平同中非合作论坛前任共同主席国和新任共同主席国元首共见记者习近平会见津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦习近平同刚果共和国总统萨苏举行会谈非最大银行CEO:中非合作论坛提供无与伦比的平台中国赴非游客量连年增长 非洲旅游迎来发展黄金期习近平会见吉布提总统盖莱习近平会见毛里塔尼亚总统阿齐兹习近平会见安哥拉总统洛伦索习近平会见埃塞俄比亚总理阿比栗战书分别会见赤道几内亚总统奥比昂、埃塞俄比亚总理 阿比、纳米比亚总统根哥布专访:“中非合作论坛北京峰会的举办正当其时”——访卢旺达总统卡加梅赵乐际会见安哥拉总统洛伦索李克强会见南非总统拉马福萨王岐山分别会见贝宁总统塔隆和科摩罗总统阿扎利习近平同南非总统拉马福萨举行会谈习近平会见联合国秘书长古特雷斯
  Source: Xinhua Net

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