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Train Trips, Tourism Income Surge in China during National Day Holidays
China saw a marked increase in train trips and tourism income as millions of Chinese went on a travelling spree for the National Day holiday.
China saw a marked increase in train trips and tourism income as millions of Chinese went on a travelling spree for the National Day holiday, known as "Golden Week", data showed Friday.

Altogether 11.39 million train trips were made around the country on Thursday, the penultimate day of the holiday, up 11.6 percent year on year, according to figures released by China Railway Corp.

From Sept. 28 to Oct. 7, it is estimated that 108 million passengers will have made train journeys, up 9.3 percent year on year, according to the company.

Train trips are expected to hit 12.57 million on Saturday alone, the last day of the National Day holiday.

China is expected to have made 478.18 billion yuan (71.58 billion US dollars) from tourism income during the holiday week, a 13.5 percent increase year on year, according to a survey by China Tourism Academy and Ctrip, an online travel agent.

China's major tourist destinations are expected to have received 589 million visitors during the holiday, up 12 percent from last year, according to the survey.
  Source: Global Times

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