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Malaysia halts visa fee hike for Chinese applicants
The Malaysian government has halted proposed higher service charges for Chinese visitors levied by the one-stop private service center SPPV, Global Times reports.
A plan for higher charges by SPPV was supposed to take effect on March 15, requiring every tourist from China to pay an application fee of 400 yuan ($61.50) for a single entry visa, an increase of 233 percent from the previous 120 yuan, and 500 yuan for a multiple entry visa, an increase of 127 percent from the previous 220 yuan.
The proposed hike caused strong complaints and disputes afterwards.
The SPPV center jointly operated by Ultra Kirana and Beijing International Entry and Exit Service Co Ltd announced on March 15 that it would not charge higher visa fees until further notice due to complaints and pressure from the public, the report said.
Sources said only the SPPV center in Beijing has halted the hike, while the Malyasia Visa Application Center in Shanghai will follow its original plan.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that Chinese tourists traveling to the country will be exempted from the visa fee of 80 yuan per person, a plan that took effect on February 19 during Chinese Lunar New Year.
  Source: Ecns

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